Sunday, September 16, 2012


So, school has started, hooray!
I'm taking five classes this semester, and they all seem like they'll be pretty neat.

Literary Traditions (Tuesdays, 9:45 - 12:45)
Right. So this is your basic lit course -- we're reading Homer and lots of Greek bullshit, but it's kind of whatever, because the teacher is highly entertaining. She's from Italy, and has the same kind of accent and similar mannerisms to my Italian teachers from high school (I've decided she's a blend of the cocmeister and passarella). Anyway, that's gonna be just fine and dandy, some reading, some writing -- and I promise I'm going to try to put effort into it this year. This is no AU class, by far, but I've got to keep it challenging for myself, or else I become a smartass and start seeing how much I can get away with.

Media Techniques (Tuesdays, 1:30-6:30)
First studio class of the week, woop woop! Basically a "how to paint things and not suck" class, with lots of observational drawing tossed in. I'm excited about that, except for the suck that paints and such are going to be on my wallet. Guh. Also we're going to have to be doing a load of drawing things nobody likes to draw in large quantities. We kicked shit off with 50 hands. 50. Feet are next week. Then noses. And mouths. Probably dicks next, who knows. Teacher's a cool dude, though -- he did work for the air force and stuff -- like, official air-force artist or someshit, who knows. He likes Ticonderoga pencils and I think he's actually like 40 or so judging by the dates he was putting out for his childhood, but he looks a solid 20 which is weird. Ahem. Anyway, this one'll be lots of fun, and definitely a challenge.

Baroque Art (Wednesdays, 9:45-12:45) 

Whee, three hour lecture, and my only class on Wednesday! This one's going to be super easy -- no tests, just a couple presentations, a museum visit, and a paper at the end of the class. And I get out early, which leaves plenty of time to go to open drawing (with a model, yay!) and to be in my ~~studio~~ and do homework!

Digital Illustration (Thursdays, 8-1)

So I actually haven't had this teacher yet -- but we use tablets and stuff in this class, and she's been finishing up her Master's degree, which is why she missed the first two classes. But yeah. I always love digital stuff and totally need help working on it and yes. Perfect class!

Human Figure in Illustration (Thursdays, 1:30 - 6:30)

This teacher is the best. Her name is Margot. She's polishfrench, has a hilarious accent and knows her shit like cray cray. We get a model every week, and she's honest but fair with her critiques and advice and it makes me love everything about the world, tbh with you guys. Also drawing naked old guys is the best. Legit though, last week we drew a guy who I drew in one of the pieces I submitted to Massart. I made it when I took a weekend class there, and that was the guy I drew! He's also ridiculously acrobatic for a model, and he was posing really crazily at one point. My teacher had to be like, "Why don't we seempleefy zees for zem, yes?"

Sophomore bitches can't handle torso twists and foreshortening at once -- it's true, bro.

Aside from the fact that this class is ALL FUCKING CHARCOAL ALL THE TIME -- i really enjoy it. :D