Wednesday, October 17, 2012

fingers crossed!

so pardon my freaking the fuck out
but on november 1st, i will be meeting with someone to talk about the possibility of doing a semester abroad in edinburgh, scotland.
i might freaking die.
i want to hear that it will be perfect and not disgustingly expensive and if i work my ass off and save my money like a boss i will be able to do it. that's what i want to hear. what actually will happen -- well, that remains to be seen.

as usual, i'm pumping myself up for this way more than i should.
i've heard so many amazing things about edinburgh as a city, and honestly, i just love the idea of getting out and seeing more of the world -- even if it is on my own. i think it'll be a good experience for me -- not an easy one, but a good one, and so help me god if i need to write an essay i will write the best of all essays and i will win their hearts and minds and i will fucking get there.

also they have gorgeous horses over there i mean i am just saying, guys.

and just
and stuff.
and adventures.
and not fucking melrose any more.
i am sick of fucking fucking fucking melrose
and of coming back here.
and of being stuck.
i think a semester way the fuck away would be incredible for my brains, and i just really think that i need the chance to develop independently. like -- i'm a lot more on my own now with schoolwork and such, but i'm always coming back home and there are certain things i can always rely on. i want a break from that pattern, and a big one.

so what i'm saying is basically that i'm really excited about a trip i have only imagined in my mind and haven't even seen on paper yet.

so when this all comes crashing the fuck down, i expect at least one of you here with some ben and jerrys and a good movie, but in the meantime, send all the good brainwaves you can, and maybe this'll work out!