Friday, December 16, 2011

end of semester summary

here is my end of semester blog post, because guess what -- i'm finally done with absolutely everything. 

there's still a paper for my theater class, but  i could pretty write something vaguely coherent, make it  four pages long, and be absolutely fine. 

finals nearly killed me, though.
first there were the photographs of the boot i made for form study -- as if making the boot wasn't hard enough. had to take three meaningful photographs, and have them be pretty and shit. taking pictures is difficult, especially when you're trying to set them up with a horse that thinks your boot thing is going to kill her. so there was that. got the photos, form study teacher vaguely liked them kind of or something. 

drawing -- the teacher was unamused by the fact that i didn't 'follow instructions' by not placing my clothing that i was drawing 'in an environment'. i drew the stuff on a mannequin and it was quite large and in charge. imho. but she basically was mad that i didn't have it coming out of a drawer or something, but couldn't deny that it was a good drawing so ha. so happy to be done with her.

visual language -- my visual language professor makes up for the bullshit of all of my other professors put me through. he actually knew his shit, and was tough about it -- not mean i'mma kill you tough -- but he'd make sure you did the best that you could do on any given assignment, which is awesome. he's also my academic advisor, which means i'll get to talk with him lots and lots over the next years. we had to do a six foot long piece based around a political issue -- i did mine based on the Stop Online Piracy Act, and he loved it a lot, which is great because i nearly poked my eyes out doing it. photoshop does not like six foot long by seventeen inch files, let me tell you. solid 5 minutes to save each time. but it happened! and it got done! and he kept it for a possible exhibition yay. and it only cost me 30 dollars to print YAY.

also quick grade explaining -- everything but academic classes are pass/fail. teachers can give you 'incompletes' which means you have until halfway through the next semester to suck up to them and get them to pass you. pass/fail is the scariest shit either, because some people, like my drawing teacher, don't bother with the 'incomplete' and either pass you or fail you. yay life.

so there's that.

also i was to be social and chill with my would-have-been-rommate for part of the night last thursday. we watched a movie, mostly talked over it, and had a pretty solid time. i was really happy, and it was great to be able to stay around and talk and everything. it's stuff like that that makes me really want to be able to live there next year.

which brings me to my newest goal in life -- being an RA next year. there are pros and cons here and there, but i really want to be more of a part of the life on campus sort of deal. the application process is stressful and competitive -- i was able to talk with the people who hire people about it, and they said they've had people who've never lived on campus be RA's so there's hope and stuff and yeah. so we'll see how that goes. expect updates and stress and stuff in that regard.

and now there's vacation until january eighteenth which is awesome, because i get so many awesome people back in my life. 

i'm also going to new york on monday to meet one of these awesome people. i like...booked my own bus ticket and anything. and i know it's probably not as big of a deal as i think that it is, but it was pretty cool to be able to be like...i'm buying a bus ticket, and i'm going. to new york city. and that's that. i dunno, it was just this great moment of autonomy, and when i'm actually going and everything -- aaaaah, i'm so excited. 

i don't know how i'm going to make it through twelve hours of bagels this weekend to get to that -- and after coming back, i'm off to chicago to visit relatives, but but but AFTER THAT it's party with everyone time of awesome and win.

guys, i'm super excited and life is great.

breaking news edit -- I PASSED FORM STUDY. also got a b in my art history class. dunno how the math worked out there, but can't complain, that's for damn sure.

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