Wednesday, February 15, 2012

why i can't be a printmaking major and other logic

because as far as art majors go, it's extra impractical and extra expensive.
consider that paper for it costs roughly $4.00 a sheet (that adds up quick)
the copper that you need in order to etch costs $5.00 for a really itty bitty piece
and the tools and shit are expensive
and the presses that you need to use to -- yanno -- print yer shit -- aren't exactly the things you can buy and keep in the basement, and once you graduate, fuck all if you have a place to print your shit.
so yeah. impractical for an ART major -- and that's saying something, y'all.

but basically, i know the general track i want to go down
it's just a question of how i get there.
because, well, here's the thing.
i could be a straight up illustration major, do my 3 years of that, then come back and give massart MORE of my money for an extra year to get my teaching certificate. after which i'd need to get a master's degree if i wanted to teach in massachusetts. or i could just gtfo of this awesome but really expensive state and somehow teach shit elsewhere who knows.

or i could be an illustration major and get a damned job ILLUSTRATING SHIT FUCK YES REALISTIC WORLD VIEW.

i could be an art ed major with a focus in illustration, meaning that i'd take all of my art ed requirements as well as taking all of my electives in illustration.


i could be an art ed major and just an art ed major which would mean i'd do all the art ed stuff AND i'd have the opportunity/requirements to take classes in a bunch of different areas of the school, like glass and all kinds of things.

that being said fuck if i know what i want to do.
i like the idea of broadening my horizons while i'm in a school where i can totally do that and have access to some awesome resources, but also at least my head wants a 'practical' knowlege and learning some 'real skills' or whatever that means in the art world. i mean, i don't know. but at the same time i think that, especially the way things are today, it'd be helpful to have a wider knowledge than just 'illustration' will give m, because you can't really get outside electives until upper-class years so i don't know dudes. i just don't know.

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