Thursday, March 8, 2012

right so this.

i hate this new theme my life has of 'lets build up to some really cool stuff and then have it crash and burn'. 

let me make it clear that it's so not the person who was going to get me down there's fault.she's awesome, she got sick, shit happens. but it's incredibly, painfully frustrating. this whole thing looked like it was going to work out beautifully. after all, gabe's play happened to be happening during my spring break, the mutual friend was free, and i got off of work. oh also today would have been a beautiful day to be on the road -- all clear, no rain, no nothing. so yeah. we would've gone down, stayed tonight, seen the show tomorrow, and left there sometime later on saturday. needless to say that didn't work. and he's back in two weeks so it's not that terribly bad except that it's another two weeks. i started counting down two weeks til seeing him two weeks ago. 

but still. 

i'd been really, sincerely looking forward to this. i'd planned things around it and now? exactly jack and shit. two weeks isn't that bad -- i keep saying that. it just kind of -- it sucks. because my countdown was over and i was ready to go and now i'm stuck sitting here in my room and typing this. so there's that.

also gabriel was a reasonable person and convinced me spending 100 dollars for almost 20 hours worth of travel to be in Delware for less than 24. so. i mean i guess he's the smart one in this situation but still. 

it'd be great if things went the way i planned for once.

1 comment:

  1. Actually your countdown was to seeing me. Be ready. I'll be home in a matter of hours.
