Wednesday, November 2, 2011

things that suck about commuting

whine one

on a usual wednesday, i have three classes - my theater seminar from 9:45 -12:45, art history from 1:30 -3:00, and visual language 3-8. it's a long day, but it usually goes by pretty fast and easily and whatnot. this morning, i got up very much on the wrong side of the bed, i'd sort of slacked on the reading for my seminar, and was seriously contemplating not going to class. but i dragged my sorry ass out of bed, got dressed, missed the bus, but eventually got here -- on time, even! so me and my kajillion pounds of backpack (we had to bring computers to get at the latest book we've been reading) haul it five floors up, only to find a nice little sign on the door saying that class has been cancelled.

i mean, that's all well and good

if you have a place to spend the four hours until your next class -- which i don't, really. 
i should have followed my instincts and stayed the heck in bed today, instead of coming all the way out here just to sit around. it's mostly just frustrating because i can't go back home and chill, because it's going to take me a solid hour and a half to get home, and by that time -- totally not worth it. all the people i know are in class right now, leaving me pretty solidly by my lonesome until 1:30, when western art starts.

i wish they had a napping couch. that'd make me super happy, but, alas.

also there are a pair of students speaking chinese/japanese or something like that right across from me, and i'm tired and it sounds like knives.

/end whine

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